Romans 4:1-8
Argument for Faith
I. The Argument for Faith Stated vss 4-5
All are sinners – all can receive salvation through Faith.
II. The Argument for Faith Modeled by Abraham vss 1-3
Pre-Law case. Abraham was over 400 years before the Law.
III. The Argument for Faith Modeled by David vss 6-8
Post-Law case - David was subject to the Law.
Romans 3:21-31
Law, Faith, and Righteousness
I. Source of Righteousness vss 21-23
God Himself-apart from Law.
II. Means of Righteousness vss 24-26
Faith in the Sacrifice of Christ-His blood is efficacious enough to cover sins of the world per John 1:29 – (note recipients below)
III. Recipients of Righteousness vss 27-31
God is no respecter of persons. All who believe, repent, and confess.
Romans 3:9-20
Jews are also sinners – All are sinners
I. All are sinners vss 9-18
II. All are guilty vs 19
III. All are condemned vs 20
Romans 3:1-8
Value of Being a Jew?
Paul has been establishing some facts pointing to Jews being the same as
Gentiles in terms of guilt in violating God’s laws of morality.
I. What is the advantage of being a Jew? Vss 1-2
If Paul’s argument is valid, then what difference does it make if one is a
Jew? Why even have a chosen nation? Romans 9:3-5, Deut 4:5-8&7:6.
II. What if the Jews stop believing? Vss 3-4
Examples of their unbelief- Promised Land, Judges, Elijah- 1 Kings 19
III. What if Jews sin to glorify God’s righteousness? Vss 5-8
God’s holiness is magnified by our sin. Jesus came to fulfill, not violate
Law. David’s sin. Brothers of Joseph did evil-God brought good from it.
Romans 2:17-29
True Jew – True Christian?
What is true Believer? Do you have a relationship with Christ?
I. Consider your Moral Confidence vss 17-20
Talking about Jew, but writing to local church of believers. Keep in mind
the first several thousand church members were Jews.
We know the scriptures and teach the scriptures. So did Pharisees.
See 2 Tim 3:5-7, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, and Matt 7:21-23.
II. Consider your Moral Failures vss 21-24
Do your behaviors match your knowledge? Do you practice what you
preach, teach, and say? Adultery? Stealing? Malachi 3:8-11.
Fall of many preachers in Dallas/Ft Worth region.
III. Consider your Moral Reality vss 25-29
Circumcision is a sign and does not save. Like Baptism.
Deuteronomy 10:16, Jeremiah 32:39, Ezekiel 11:19, Philip 3:3
Romans 2:1-16
We tend to judge one another based on our perspective of the person’s, race, background, or type of sins. We are to be Light and Salt. NOT judges. Only God is worthy to judge.
I. God will Judge our Hearts vss 1-4
II. God will Judge our Deeds vss 5-11
III. God will Judge our Secrets vss 12-16
Romans 1:24-32
I. God Gives you up to Uncleanness vss 24-25
‘Therefore’ – because they refused to acknowledge, glorify, or thank him. He ‘gave them up’ – delivered, or turned over custody – as in criminal to police.
‘lust of their hearts’ – Jeremiah 17:9 on the heart – desperately wicked.
‘dishonor their bodies’ – see how far this can go in Leviticus 18 to 20.
II. God Gives you up to Vile Passions vss 26-27
‘For this reason’ – same as above – rejecting God.
‘vile passions’ –dishonoring, shameful, self-deprecating
‘natural’ in accordance with basic order of things in nature-
Rejecting God removes moral standard- no sense of right or wrong.
Note the move to homosexuality. Think about gender confusion today.
‘penalty of their error’ – means recompense - wrath of God in vs 18.
In Genesis 19 it was annihilation of the town. Today in the form of plagues – STD’s or AIDs – and decay of culture.
III. God Gives you up to a Debased Mind vss 28-32
‘Even as’ – like above –reasons are based on man rejecting God.
‘debased mind’ – doesn’t stand the test – unqualified - worthless
‘not fitting’ – improper, inappropriate
Vss 29-31 – list of the inappropriate deeds, actions, attitudes.
Vs 32 – guilty of knowing, doing, and approving.
Romans 1:18-23
I. Wrath of God vss 18-19
Wrath defined- strong indignation directed at wrongdoing – for sake of retribution. Same word used for government in Romans 13:4.
Wrath of man is different and translates as rage (Colossians 3:8). Rev 12:12 refers to Satan and is also word for rage. Justice versus Vengeance.
The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom-but fools despise wisdom Prov 9:10. The fool has said there is no God Psalm 14:1.
II. Attributes of God vs 20
Creation speaks to the fact of a Creator. The consistent order of the universe says it is not accidental. “God’s invisible attributes are perceived with the eye of reason in the things that have been made”
Ps 19:1-7 – Nature reveals existence of God and Word reveals salvation.
III. Glory of God vss 21-23
Vs 21 - .. they did not glorify God and they were not thankful to God.
Vs 23 - incorruptible means imperishable or immortal. The Creator is those things, but creatures are not. They die.
Signs that say “Science Exists” is stealing the phrase from God to Moses- I Am - it means Science is some sort of entity with certain abilities - like creating!! It is a collection of knowledge - pool of data.
Romans 1:1-17
I. Paul’s Designation vss 1-7
Apostle – word can mean sent but this is more. Speaks of a particular group, called out and sent by Christ. Acts 1:21-23 & Lk 6:13. 1 Cor 9:5 ‘the Twelve’ - Rev 21:4 names on foundations. Apostles spread the gospel AND set up foundational doctrine (Eph 2:20 and 3:5). Apostles settled doctrinal issues and established what should be taught and perpetuated (Acts 15:6 ). Not an office today.
II. Paul’s Desire vss 8-12
Visit Rome and share with them. Paul wanted to go teach them what we are about to read in this letter. He wanted them to be established.
III. Paul’s Declaration vss 13-17
Status means nothing to him. Education, economics, position, ethnicity - (vs 5). It is his duty. Unashamed of the gospel – It has the power to deliver - power to save - power to heal a broken soul.