Since it began in 2005, Esperanza has grown so much! In 2019 Esperanza merged with First Baptist and became Esperanza First. We have seen God do amazing things in our town through us, as well as other local churches. Here at Esperanza First we have a passion for missions! Esperanza First strives to be a center for impacting Del Rio and beyond with the Gospel of Christ. We are a diverse group of believers from all different ethnicities, backgrounds, and walks of life, united in our faith. We are a contemporary church with conservative values; a blend of cultures in the Truth of God.
Every word in the original manuscripts of the Bible is inspired of God and is infallible and without error. The Bible is the basis for all matters of faith and practice.
There is one living and true God who eternally exists in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God the Son became a sinless man in Jesus Christ. He was begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin and is fully God and fully man.God the Son became a sinless man in Jesus Christ. He was begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin and is fully God and fully man.
The Holy Spirit is God. As the third person of the Trinity, He is a personal being and not an impersonal force or influence.
We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that he sinned resulting in physical and spiritual death; all men are therefore sinners by birth and by practice.
We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins as our substitute and that a person obtains eternal life through faith in Christ and his sacrifice resulting in a relationship with God, which he cannot lose.
Children's Ministry Director & Dance Admin / Senior Pastor
Youth Directors / Assistant Pastor
Financial Secretary
Worship Team Director
Taekwondo Administrator
Church Secretary