Matthew 4 tells us that Jesus was sent into the wilderness where he fasted and prayed forty days. You can imagine how hungry he was when he came out. The enemy immediately attacked him right where it mattered - the belly! He tried to antagonize Christ - mockingly saying that if he was truly the Son of God, he could turn the stones into bread and eat. But Jesus disarmed his enemy.
That reminds me, recently my daughter was teaching some beginner level students a simple method of disarming someone holding a weapon. The fact is there are many ways to disarm an enemy. Much has to do with the particular circumstance- the type of weapon - and whether it is even worth trying to disarm someone.
Christ disarmed his enemy through the use of scripture. For every temptation, the enemy laid before Jesus, our Lord responded with more scripture. Christ modeled for us the most effective way to disarm our most dangerous enemy. Properly applied scripture.
One catch my friends. The students learning how to disarm someone with a weapon must practice over and over. They are not likely to be very successful after one lesson and no practice.
The same is the case with disarming our spiritual enemy. Just because you went to church once, or read your bible a couple of times does not mean you will be very successful at disarming the enemy. You have to know the scriptures and be able to properly apply them to the situation.
When Joshua was preparing to lead Israel into battle, he was told to meditate on God’s word day and night. Joshua was to read and do the things in the word. Only then would he be successful in defeating his enemies.
Are you meditating on God’s word day and night? Are you practicing what you learn? If not, do not expect to be very successful at disarming the enemy.
Just something to think about.