Ephesians 6:10-17 tells Christians how to protect themselves in battle. This passage explains who the enemy is and how to stand strong in the battle against him. Though it is not a battle of flesh and blood, it is nevertheless a very serious battle where losses can occur. It is a battle that can drain you. It can make life very difficult - like the life of a soldier. This is a war against the evil one himself. So, it is a battle we need to take seriously and one we need to prepare for.
When martial artists compete at tournaments they are required to wear gear that protects vital areas of the body. When students learn to spar, they are struck with two things. First, the gear is rather cumbersome. It takes time to get used to moving around fluidly. Second, the gear does not eliminate the pain of a strike. It simply reduces it. But with much practice they are able to move around quickly and they adjust to the shock of getting hit.
Christians may not be preparing for a martial arts tournament, but they are in a war! Not a war against people, religion, or politics. It is a spiritual battle against an ancient foe who is well trained.
This is a battle that requires spiritual weapons and spiritual armor. Thankfully, the Lord has provided both. It involves gear like the martial artist uses. This spiritual gear protects you from your head to your toe. It even includes a shield and a sword. All of it designed to help you stand against the enemy. But, just like the martial artist, the gear won’t help if you don’t put it on. Our Lord is very efficient. He would not provide gear if we did not need it.
Gear sitting in the corner does not protect you in battle. God says, “Put it on.”
Are you worn out? Are you suffering losses in this battle? Check your gear. Put up your shield! Lift up your sword! Stand in the power of God!
How’s your gear?
Something to think about.